Brontë Parsonage and Home

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My most favourite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. She grew up in this home with her father, two sisters, and brother. Her father was from Ireland, and shortly after their family moved to this home, their mother passed away. Charlotte had two older sisters, but they passed away when they were very young, age 10 and 11.
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It is interesting that it is a modest home and the Brontë sisters were such good writers. They would walk around the dining room table and discuss their writing and characters. 
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The moors surrounding the house inspired Emily and she included them in her classic novel Wuthering Heights. 
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The Brontë sisters worked as governesses for some time (like Jane!) because that was the only accepted thing a lady could do at that time when she was poor. Their brother tried a series of different things but ended up passing away at age 31 from tuberculosis. 
Charlotte lived longer than her sisters, who died around age 30 from illness. 
The sisters originally published their novels under men's names. 
Image result for bronte familyThis last painting is one painted by Branwell of his sisters. He originally painted himself in but removed his figure for aesthetics.
I also wanted to add the drawing I did recently for my figure drawing class. It is inspired by the lovely quote in Jane Eyre,
"It is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame. And if that boisterous channel, and two hundred miles or so of land come broad between us, I am afraid that cord of communion will be snapt; and then I've a nervous notion I should take to bleeding inwardly."


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