Reaction to Cosmopolitanism Reading
From this reading, I learned that is important to find the balance between extreme nationalism and ignoring the differences of cultural and people. The author calls it "partial cosmopolitanism" and it's important to practice while traveling, and in general. Nationalism is very dangerous because it can lead to prejudice and racism. It can also lead to believe your country is better than others, or it's "the best". We need to respect our differences though, and how they enrich the world. We need to have an open mind, be accepting to new cultures, and willing to learn. It is also important to respect those that do not wish to accept this mentality, but stay in their own community, like the Amish, or different communities in remote locations. I remember hearing about the guy who tried to contact this recluse community that hadn't had outside contact for a long time, and they killed him. If he had managed to make contact, he would've brought diseases and ...